Friday, November 28, 2008

Manual submitting

Submitting by hand to an individual search engine, rather than using an automated submission tool or service. Manual submitting is the more polite way to submit, and as such is less likely to land you in trouble with the search engines. But the best approach is not to submit at all and let the search engine spiders find your site through links from other sites to your site

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hi Friends, Here is my friend's website, who is a famous web designer in Hyderabad. Feel free to check his portfolio website.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Meta tags

A Meta Search Engine uses meta tags to determine a pages content and it’s relevancy. There are not a lot of successful Meta Search Engines still in use, as most search engines nowadays use the actual content of a page to determine it’s relevancy to certain keywords.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Stealing high-ranking web page content from another site and placing it on your site in the hopes of increasing your own site's search engine rankings. Pagejacking is yet another shady way of gaming the search engines and, as such, its use should be strongly discouraged.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a technology that allows computer users to transfer files from a local to remote hosts. Most websites are updated or made using a FTP upload system. There are many fee programs that provide FTP technology. Some webpage editors have a FTP system build into them, like Dreamweaver. SSH is also a good protocol to transfer files.

Monday, November 17, 2008

External Link

An External link is simply a link to a different website. By carefull with linking to external websites, because Google might punish sites linking to bad neighborhoods or sites with a bad reputation. Quite the opposite is true as well, sites linking to so-called authority sites might by respected more by the Spiders. If you’re not sure about linking or if you do not want to pas on PageRank you could always use the html attrinute rel=’nofollow’:

anchor text

By using this a spider does not follow the link and can not punish your website or pass on PageRank.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


EPC is the publishers version of CPC. It means Earnings per Click and is the amount of money a webmaster showing ads gets per click on his ads shown. On most Advertising networks EPC is not the CPC because the network charges some money for it’s service. Like CPC, EPC depends on competition and the publishers relevancy to the advertisers site.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dead Link

Dead links should always be avoided. In the first place they make your website look sloppy to your visitors and search engines also don’t like them for determining your content and PR. A dead link is basically a hyperlink pointing to a non-existent URL. There are several tools on the internet that can automatically detect your websites dead link. Also, your logs can tell you what pages were not found, so you can determine which pages link to them.
A simple way to solve the problem is to create custom 404 pages that tell users the page could not be found, but does provide links to other pages on your website. This way users will not immediately hit the back button and they’ll stay on your site.
You could do this by directing all non existing pages to your some page using code in a htaccess file:

Friday, November 14, 2008


CPA stands for Cost per Action and is defined by the price paid for each visitor’s action. Mostly these actions should result in sales or registrations. It’s basically the same as Cost per Click (CPC) but covers a wider internet marketing scheme as paying for clicks could not be the only way to get visitors to a website. Cost per Action can also be referred to as performance based pricing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Conversion Rate

The Conversion Rate of a website is the number of visitors that actually end up generating income divided by the total amount of visitors. The higher the Conversion Rate the better. Through improving usability and keyword optimization higher Conversion Rates can be accomplished and more income can be generated.


Some pages show different content to a Search Engine Spider than to a normal website user. His is called Cloaking. By using this technique pages can get higher ranking by stuffing a lot of high value keywords in a page viewed by a spider and then showing different content to a user. Google and other Search Engines hate this and will punish sites doing this when they find out.

Click Through

A Click Through is the process of clicking on an Advertisement or hyperlink and landing on the linked website.

Click Pirate

A Click Pirate is a person that deliberately clicks on Ads to ‘steal’ money from advertisers. The are not webmasters trying to boost their income by clicking on their own ads but people who are against all the advertising online or have a grudge on a certain company.

Click Distance

Click Distance is the minimum number of links a user has to use to get from one page to another page on a website. Click Distance should be kept low as most internet users will use interest if having to click a lot to get to their sought after content or product.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


CAPTCHA is a Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Most forums or website user can post on use this system so no automated scripts can add posts with links in them. This is useful because links from other sites boost PageRank and therefore many people try to automate the placing of links on other websites. A CAPTCHA is usually a image with letters in it that need to be inputted in a formfield.


Search Engines cache websites in their database after spidering them. It’s basically a copy of a website stored on the Search Engines sever.


The code c151081 is a serial number for the Epson TM-U950 Multi-Function Impact Printer. This printer is perfect for printing reciepts, slips and journals. It's designed for the retail environment as it can drive 2 cash drawers. The TM-U950, refered to with the barcode c151081, is very fast and thus is ideal for print jobs containing maximum information in the least amount of time. Specs: Print Method: 9-pin, serial impact dot matrix. Print Font: 7 x 9/ 9x 9. Data Buffer: 2k bytes or 32 bytes. Print Speed: 311 / 233 cps. Paper Dimensions: Roll Paper of 69.5 +/- 0.5 Wide x 83.0. Interface: RS232, Bi-directional parallel. Power Supply: External PS-180. Overall Dimensions: 251mm x 298mm x 194.5mm. Weight: 5.6kg. Warranty: 1 year RTB standard, 3 year NBD available. Why is this content here? Let me explain: This is a phrase searched for very often, according to Overture. There aren't a lot of results in Google for this phrase, making the word or number c151081 have a very high KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index). Offcourse this is a reason for posting this word here in this SEO glossary. It's more a SEO test than a serious word that should be explained on a site like this.


A Bot or Robot is often used to refer to a Search Engine Spider.

for more seo info visit blog


A Blog stands for ‘Web Log’ and is a website that is usually maintained by one person and updated on a regular basis. Blogs are loved by Search Engines as they generate unique frequently updated textual content. Therefore some might argue that Blog stands for ‘Better Listing on Google’.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Black Hat SEO

Search Engine Optimization can render a lot of income and therefore a lot of people are interested in the process. With this many people also try to cheat search engines by using unethical ways to improve their placing on Search Engine Result Pages. The process of doing so is called Black Hat SEO.


Some bloggers Ping A search engine as soon as they have uploaded a new Blog entry. This technique Blog and Ping (BAP) causes search engines to quickly spider a Blog and index the Blogs content. Some people see this as abuse, but Google encourages the process on their own website. The Google Ping tool can be found here:
for more info visit blog

Banner Blindness

Banner Blindness occurs when visitors to a website ignore advertisement blocks. Frequent internet users suffer from this as they have seen way too many Ads online and therefore don’t notice advertisements and are not tempted to click on an Ad. Through smart and original banner placement a webmaster can decrease Banner or Ad Blindness and so increase advertising revenue.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Back link

A Back Link is a link from an external site to yours. Getting many Back Links is essential for Search engine optimization as it causes a PageRank to increase. Most times a Back Link is aquired by exchanging links, affiliating or in other words reciprocal linking with other webmasters. Please be on the lookout for too many reciprocal links (link-farms) as Google punishes websites for link farm

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hi friends my friend launched new website for all indian food recipes here link

Saturday, November 8, 2008


ATF is short for Above the Fold. Coming from the newspaper era it now stands for what’s visible on a website without having to scroll. ATF content is very important as most internet user only give your site four seconds to interest them.

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Authority Site

An Authority Site is a website that has a lot of inbound links and little outbound links. The many inbound links give it a high PageRank and because there are little outbound links the available PageRank is spread out over a small group of websites. Getting a link from an authority site is very important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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AskJeeves or is a search engine comparable to MSN and Yahoo, but not as popular as Google.


AOL stands for America On-Line and is a big internet company primarily focusing on America. AOL is easy to use and most beginners start of with AOL. It uses part of the Google search results.

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Anchor Text

Anchor Text or Link Text is the visible and clickable text of a link. Anchor Texts are very important in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as through these texts Google finds out what the linked website is about. A good example of this is the keyword ‘miserable failure’ which has been used in thousands of links to the presidents Bush site. It now shows up first when searching for ‘miserable failure’.

for more info visit blog


Before Google came to the web Altavista was the biggest Search Engine on the web. It’s now owned by Yahoo.

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ALT Text

An Alt Text is the text that appears when holding a mouse above an image (providing it has a Alt text). Search Engines use Alt Text to calculate a websites or images relevancy and are thus very useful for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Alt Text is also useful for disabled people as it allows image descriptions to be read by a computer generated voice for blind people.

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Alt tag

An Alt Tag is also called an Alt Text and is the text that appears when holding a mouse above an image (providing it has a Alt text). Search Engines use Alt Tags to determine a websites relevancy and are thus very useful for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

for more info visit blog

AlltheWeb is owned by the Yahoo group, but presents and calculates its search results in a different way. It is commonly known as a Second Tier search engine.

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All search engines use Algorithms to calculate the relevancy of a certain website to the keywords used in a search action. The exact formula’s of Search Engine Algorithms are kept secret to prevent webmaster from breaking the ‘system’ and thus getting higher search engine ranking.

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Agent Name

Every visitor to a website uses some kind of software to view or extract information. This software carries a name which is the Agent Name. Most website hosts can log these Agent Names produce valuable information to the website owner. Agent Names give information on which spiders crawled a website and what kind of browsers visitors use to view a website.

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AdSense Link Clicking Bots

Although Google is trying to stop these scams they still occur. Adsense Link Clicking Bots run automatically by using random or hacked IP-addresses to click on Adsense ads on a certain site and thus generating profit for the website owner.
for more info visit blog www.

Ad Rank

The Ad Rank of a certain ad is calculated by Google by multiplying the maximum CPC (Cost Per Click) with the QS (Quality Score). Ad Rank determines the placing of an Ad on websites using Adsense and on the Google Search Result Pages.